
Victorian Carved Oak Admiral Fitzroys Storm Barometer by Negretti & Zambra

For sale a Victorian carved oak stick Admiral Fitzroy’s Storm Barometer by Negretti & Zambra, London. This superior example of its type is comprised of an oak body with a cistern cover richly ornamented with a central floral motif, chamfered and carved stem and a carved domed top supported by scroll pediments either side. The stem is adorned with a large 13 inch thermometer showing both Fahrenheit and Centigrade scales on an opaline glass with red and black numerals and has Read More...

Mid Victorian Golden Oak Stick Barometer by Elliott Brothers London

For sale, a highly unusual golden oak stick barometer with ceramic scale plate by Elliott Brothers of 449 The Strand London. This rare stick barometer of small proportions is comprised of an oak body with exposed tube and graduated urn type cistern cover. The ceramic scale plate is screwed to the domed top and is painted with weather indications to the left and a small scale measuring 27 to 31 inches of barometric pressure. It is further painted to the Read More...

Launching mallet for the ship HMS Caesar dated 2nd of September 1896

  Launching mallet for the ship HMS Caesar, battle ship launched in Portsmouth on the 2nd of September 1896. All made in boxwood. The handle can be separated. Condition : very good. To be noted a bit of wear (due to its utilization) on one side of the mallet.   Dimensions :  28 cm total long ( = 11 inches) x 11,5 cm total high ( = 4,52 inches)   Read More...

A long Ramsden telescope, with a single draw and a tapered wooden barrel

Jesse Ramsden worked from 1762 to 1800, and was one of the foremost telescope/spyglass makers of his time. For sale is a telescope of an unusual style for him, probably indicating an earlier date: it is a single draw wooden barrel design, but unlike larger naval telescopes of this style, the barrel is relatively small diameter and very light, making it easily hand-held. It is nevertheless considered to be for naval use. Overall barrel length is 25 inches, with Read More...


GOOD COLOURED CHART BY GREENVILE COLLINS HYDROGRAPHER TO YE KING. 22″ x 18″ Inches. Ca. 1690  JAMES MOXON SCULP/CART   Contact Email:  [email protected] Read More...



A fine antique silver-plated telescope by Gilbert, circa 1800

This is a beautiful telescope, engraved “KING’S Patent – Gilbert, & Co – London”: Gilbert and the telescope origin is much discussed on the website story about this scope. Since the engraving starts with the ‘K’ of King’s closest to the eyepiece, in the C18 style, it would be made no later than 1800, and in the Navigation Warehouse at 148 Leadenhall Street (pictured here with a modern image). It was probably made for a ship owner, or Read More...

Fiji Islands, South Pacific – British Admiralty Chart 2691, published 1968

Authentic chart from British Government Surveys 1854-1962. Engraved: 1968Standard dimensions: 71×104 cm   (28×41 in)Condition: G, coffee spot in the corner right under   Curious about more sea charts? See Read More...

Cuba, Florida, Bahama’s and Greater Antilles British – Admiralty Chart 761, published in 1876

Cuba, Jamaica and the southern part of Florida in 1876. Compiled in 1876 from the most recent surveysEngraved 1876Edition 1923Dimensions: standardCondition: G, shortage at the bottom edge Curious about more sea charts? See Read More...

Ceramic Barber-Surgeon bowl, 19th C

A first half 19th Century Ceramic Barber-Surgeon bowl. A lovely ceramic transfer ware barber’s bowl which was used for shaving and could also have been used as a bleeding bowl. There is a cutout for the neck.  Is marked as “M C …” on the bottom of the bowl. In good condition. Measurements 27 x 22 x 7 cm. Look for shop information on website page  Read More...

Benjamin Martin bronze sundial

A good example of a bronze sundial by this famous 18th century maker with the gnomon set for Midhurst. Read More...

Terrestrial and Celestial Table Globes – J. & W. Cary, London, 1816

A gorgeous pair of globes, two centuries old, with brass meridian and wooden horizon. published by John and William Cary, known as the greatest globe makers of their era. The celestial globe dates 1816, the date of the terrestrial globe is hidden. The globes rest on ebonized stands, Regency period. In the globes there are stabilization pellets that function as a brake on the rotational movement. The horizons show the amplitude, wind directions, names of the constellations of the Read More...