

A fine English (unbranded) fire bleeding and cupping set in an unusual decorative, cylindrical card case with blank name plate c.1860.  Consisting of a 12 bladed scarificator (as new), a large cupping glass, brass three part alcohol torch and a fine cut alcohol bottle, this set has never been used. The lacquer is intact (see photos), the wick never burned, the bottle never filled and the cupping glass never heated. The cylindrical case measures 8 x 4 inches (20 x Read More...

Coin Scales

Solomon Henry Patented Coin scales sold by Mr. Pinchbeck in original Fishskin case-smal amount of damage to label-Patent No.1080 Date 12 September 1774=SOLD Semicircular fishskin cased coinscale=£200 German Coin scale by Johann Caspar Mittelstenscheid-early nineteenth century-one weight missing=SOLD Coin scale by SHARP marked also with serial number 138 two weight missing- allegedly made from mulberry tree in Shakespeares garden=£240 Read More...

Letter Scales

Halls First Patent letter scale marked J. Cooke & Sons Makers London=£70 Halls second Patent letter scale marked Windle & Blyth= SOLD French Letter scale marked ‘Pradel’ pese lettres no clip=£70 Halls First Patent letter scale in decorative gilt metal unsigned=£200 Bismar Letter scale marked on end ‘Edward Greaves’-Indian scale in Tolahs, English overland scale in ounces in original card case=£200 Brass stamp box letter scale scale marked up to 6 ounces/2 1/2 pence with registration mark No. 102604=£190 Read More...

Late 18th Century “Withering folding type” simple microscope

“The Botanic Microscope” (with handwritten dedication). This is the second form of the Withering botanical microscope.  The case has to be opened to erect the microscope, which is made of two discs on a brass pillar.  The central disc slides on the pillar to focus.   For further informations and photos, please ask. Thank you. Read More...

Five Boxwood Rules

Good boxwood foot measure for shoe sizes Men/Ladies/Boys and Girls-marked P.Patent 29036 in good condition=£80 Fathom depth measure c1870 for use with depth sounding-made by James White Glasgow=£100 Slide rule for use with Sikes hydrometer-unsigned-unusual scales-Extract per barrel/Pounds per barrel gravity/shillings per quarter etc.=£80 Nomogram Inches/centimeters-Grades/Degrees=£100 Hutchinsons Stereographic Protractor for circle 2.5 inches radius-W H Harling 47 Finsbury Pavement London Maker-One nick out of scaleas shown-Messy handwritten formula notes on reverse on paper-can easily be removed=£90 Read More...

Two Boxwood Clinometers

Fine quality Clinometer Rule-Unsigned-with Compass,spirit level,sights all in good condition-with original leather case=£280 Cilometer rule by ‘A. Abraham & Co. Liverpool with Temperature nomogram for Centigrade/Fahrenheit/Reamur on one side-Angle and gradient on other=£280 Read More...

Three Brass and steel Proportional Dividers

Three cased Proportional dividers 00-marked for Thomas Jones, 62, Charing Cross, London £180 c1850 01-marked for Gilbert & sons London £140 c1830 02-Unsigned c1890£110 Read More...

Microscope Culpeper C.1780

Culpeper Type of Microscope C 1780. The circular base of the microscope has a hole in its center where a plane mirror mounted on a swivel bracket is engaged. From this base rise three columns in the shape of an S, which support a circular shelf, and from this shelf rise three other columns, also in the shape of an S, which support the body of the microscope in which the optical tube slides. Good state of conservation. Identical model, collection of scientific Read More...

C1850 Weiss Folding Tongue Depressor w. Ebony Handle

C1850 Weiss folding tongue depressor with checkered ebony handle. A rare form for a tongue depressor and likely a model designed and sold only by Weiss. Read More...

Silver concealed Tonsillectomy Lancet, 1837

Silver concealed Tonsillectomy Lancet, a device for lancing quinsy by “George Cowles London 1837” conform the Hallmarks. 17 cm long and working condition. An example is seen in Elizabeth Bennion’s Antique Medical Instruments P 107 described by Heister 1745; “silver-gilt caustic holder and applicator” and “An instrument maker of Amsterdam showed me a new instrument for opening suppurated tonsils, the inventor of which is unknown to me … which appears like a spatula and in which is contained the lancet” Look Read More...

Mackenzie Laryngeal forceps, C 1860

A Mackenzie Laryngeal forceps, C 1860. The bone handle allows the length of the oval tweezers to be determined by means of a screw. By pressing the metal handle on the bone handle, the tube is pushed in the direction of the oval tweezers, closing it according to the set length. In good working condition and 22 cm long. Look for shop information on Read More...

A Large & Impressive Binocular/Monocular Van Heurck No.1 Microscope By Watson & Sons

A large & impressive binocular/monocular Van Heurck No.1 microscope By Watson & Sons, 313 High Holborn, London. The microscope of standard Van Heurk construction on a large tripod base on lacquered brass pad feet, with a large plano-concave mirror, substage with X-Y screw control, course and fine focus, mechanical stage with X-Y control and vernier readout, course and fine focus to the interchangeable body tubes, the monocular two drawer tube with rack and pinion adjustment to the first drawer Read More...