
Fine example of a Lane pocket globe

A very clean and original 3″ Lane pocket globe in the original case with the celestial papers to the inside of the red Morocco leather case. Good original colour and lacquer to the globe.  A similar example by Lane in a red Morroco leather case is in the Science Museum London and was bequeathed by Queen Mary. That example is dated 1809 Read More...

Culpeper microscope by William Harris

William Harris & Co. Manufacturers of Optical, Mathematical & Philosophical Instruments,  50. High Holborn corner of Biounlow Street London. William Harris & Co. was a renowned British firm specializing in the production of scientific instruments, particularly microscopes, during the 19th and early 20th centuries. The company was founded by William Harris, who was an accomplished instrument maker. Sorting out the early years of this company are complicated by the apparent existence of two opticians called William Harris of roughly the same Read More...

Tornado pilot’s radar training model, by Denzil Skinner & Co

A 3 dimensional Tornado pilot’s radar training model, by Denzil Skinner & Co ltd., of Hartley Wintney, circa 1975. The scale model of a Tornado, sits on a vertical axle which rotates 180 degrees, with rod set a 90 degrees, the coloured rods are marked with with vectors in 7 layers. VELOCITY DRIFT – VELOCITY HEADING VELOCITY ACROSS TRACK – VELOCITY ALONG TRACK VELOCITY EAST – VELOCITY NORTH (fixed in postilion, does not rotate). Y RADAR – X RADAR Y HUD – X HUD Y R-RETICLE Read More...


An excellent and complete drawing/draftsman’s set in flame mahogany case c.1880. Although unmarked, this set has every option of the day including proportional dividers, agate pen, extra nibs, two scaled wooden rulers, ebony parallel rule, divided triangle and emery board. The case is in excellent condition and measures 9 x 5 x 2 inches deep. Every part matches. No subs. A perfect gift for the office. Read More...


Consisting of 3 pairs of scissors (straight, iris and curved), three ebony handled scalpels of varying length and depth ( signed), a black card cased strop (emery/coarse and rouge/fine sides), a straight razor with French Ivory shield (made of Sheffield steel), 2 wooden probes with trocar ends and 3 pairs of tweezers/forceps ( curved, straight and bowed). Mahogany case measures 15 x 10 x 4 cm. with brass catches/hinges and one minor knock to the right leading edge. A Read More...


Standing 12 inches tall with a 6 inch diameter ring base signed R&J Beck, London in block letters, this lamp has some wear on the blackened reservoir but has never been used. Black chimney has slots for original clear and blue glass inserts, adjustable and rotatable bullseye plano/concave condenser, vertical adjustment on the square stem by spring clip c.1880. All original golden lacquer and not a screw out of place. No box. A large and excellent example of a Read More...


26 inches fully extended, 18 inches closed, 1 1/2 inch OG lens, perfect optics,  with plated brass removeable end cap, extendable ray shade and draw tube, brown leather barrel and sliding protective eyepiece cover. Fine overall condition with NO dents and minimal wear. Signed on the single draw “G. Lee and Sons, The Hard, Portsmouth” c.1880-1900. Read More...

Brass equatorial ring signed E. Culpeper Fecit made circa 1710/1720

Brass equatorial ring signed “E. Culpeper Fecit” The meridian circle, on the signature side, bears a latitude scale 90-0-90. On the other side a scale graduated from 0 to 90 centred on the pin hole on the opposite side. The hour ring graduated on one side from I to XII twice and subdivided by 30 minutes, 15 minutes, 5 minutes. Inside the same divisions. The central bridge bears on one side the scale of the months and on the other the Zodiac and the mobile cursor Read More...

Reflecting telescope signed ‘Gorg Adams’

Second part- eighteenth century Gregorian type reflecting telescope with detachable eyepiece and secondary mirror, signed ‘Gorg Adams’. A Gregorian reflecting telescope is a type of telescope that uses mirrors to gather and focus light, allowing astronomers to observe distant objects in the sky. It is named after its inventor, James Gregory, and it consists of two main mirrors: a primary concave mirror and a secondary convex mirror. It has a detachable compound eyepiece and comes with a spare one, there Read More...


10 inch diameter, 6 inches tall with fully functional 5 inch compass on silvered dial with inset bubble levels set at 90 degrees and a compass rose surmounted by an engine divided 360 degree raised and silvered outer ring. All original with the exception of one replaced sighting vane hair. Not a screw out of place or bruised. Sympathecically cleaned (90% original lacquer). Outer ring finely divided in half degree increments with verniers on two of the vanes. Smooth Read More...

George III Mahogany Cased Wall Thermometer by Cox of Plymouth Dock

For sale, a George III period mahogany cased wall thermometer by Cox of Plymouth Dock. A superbly conceived example of a Georgian period wall thermometer with a mahogany case which is perhaps the best I have seen in terms of its cabinetry. The case is mounted on a thick mahogany backboard graduating to the top into a hanging loop. The front case has a pagoda style top with a chamfered edge running around the glasses edge. With particularly unusual attention Read More...


A good tapering mahogany, Georgian refracting telescope by Gilbert & Co. London. c .1800. Having a 2 inch OG doublet, this 20 inch tapering mahogany and brass telescope has wonderful optics, single draw, 34 inches extended. Re-lacquered barrel, all screws intact, sliding covers to both ends and an estimated 20X magnification. Read More...