

SFEROSCOPIO DEL PINO. Manufactured by Belforte  in Livorno,Italy, c1937. Lacks accompanying literature.   There are 30 two-sided discs, each with a diameter of  8.5″ or 21 cm approx. . Very good condition. Each of the two aluminum frames has three small feet.    Read More...

Botanical microscope in case.

This instrument is a botanical microscope, first part 19th C. The instrument has the stage and objective limb mounted to a round support pillar.  The stage is attached to a round sleeve that moves up or down on the pillar to focus the sample. The objective limb is screwed into the top of the pillar. There are two objectives that can be used individually, or ganged together for higher magnification. The stage accommodates a Black/White disc, a cylindrical live-box, Read More...

Set of 6 Botanical Grafting models, C 1930.

A set of 6 Botanical Grafting models. It are 6 educational grafting models with different vorms of grafting as there is: Bud, cleft, whip, stub etc.. The models are from Czech Republic and in good condition. Max height 36 cm. Read More...

North Italian Orlogie Nocturnal, late 16th – begin 17th Century

A  North Italian orlogie nocturnal, Brass,  late 16th– begin 17th  century, not signed. Main disc with a diameter of 10 cm., a hole at the centre and a handle/extension of about 4 cm.  Rotatable hour disc with teeth and also a pointer arm of about 6 cm length, with hole at end, both pivoted to the centre of the main disc. The main disc has anti clockwise a zodiac scale, each sign subdivided  into 15 equal parts, numbered 10-20-30. There is Read More...

H. van Laun achromatic brass pocket telescope.

Very Rare  Dutch brass pocket optical instrument in his cylindric original red leather box.  late 18th century signed by “H.v.Laun fecit Amsterd.” (Hartog van Laun)Here a really interesting discovery of this unusual optical instrument signed: “H.v.Laun fecit Amsterd.” It seems to be a small achromatic brass pocket telescope with three objectives lenses (one missing and one chipped) and one eyepiece lens, fitted  in a small laquered brass tube with telescopic sliding moving focusing. (see all detailed photos) The three objectives lenses are screwed one Read More...

Dutch J.A.M. Bekking Aneroïde Barometer. C 1870

A Dutch Holosteric (Anoroid) Barometer by Retailer J.A.M. Blekking ( 1826-1906) Rotterdam. The silver dial in a brass case gives the following scale from 63 to 80 with the text from “STORM – V. Regen – R. wind – VERANDERLIJK – Mooi W. Bestendig – ZEER DROOG”. On the back you find the signature of manufacture: PHNB which means Paul,Hulot, Naudet et Cie Barometers. The were very fine instrument makers. Diameter 17 cm and 5 cm depth. Bekking made and Read More...

Italian Analemmatic Portable Sundial in case.

 ITALIAN ANALEMMATIC PORTABLE SUNDIAL. Circa first half 18th century, Brass, for a latitude of 46 degrees and 20 minutes (Northern Italy). The rectangular dual dial plate measures 15 x 19cm. The plate is engraved around three edges with an horizontal hour scale, with subdivision  per quarter, from V am to VII pm. There is on the other side a semi-elliptical hour scale divided from 4 am to 8 pm, with a subdivision per quarter as well, combined with a rectangular Zodiac calendar Read More...

Elsevier terrestrial Umbrella-Globe. C 1880

Textile nature terrestrial umbrella globe by Elzevier . The Cartouch gives: “De Elsevier – Globe Naar De Nieuwste Bronnen Bewerkt Onder Toezight Van Dr. G. J. Dozy, Gratis – Premie Het Boek Der Reizen En Ontdekkingen Rotterdam. Publishers – Society Elsevier.” Foldable textile globe with umbrella system, 1881. Height 70 cm, diameter 40 cm.Given as premium at the then latest book edition of Jules Verne, for Dutch readers edited by Dozy, published by Elsevier. Inspired after Betts’ New Portable Read More...

Drum microscope in original case.

This is an all brass, drum microscope in original case. The microscope has a heavy brass base that encloses the single-sided illuminating mirror. The microscope body , and together they are supported by a solid pillar attached at the back of the base. There is only one focus mechanism to move the tube in his body. The bullseye is there, even 4 objectives, Forceps and scissor. Dimension mahogany case 24 x 15x 9 cm. Look for shop information on website Read More...

FOSSIL FISH from BOLCA (Verona-Italy)

FOSSIL FISH from BOLCA (Verona-Italy) Rare Berybolcensis leptacanthus Agassiz, 1833 Lutetian Eocene The order Beryciformes, a poorly understood group, is represented in Monte Bolca with at least two species: Eoholocentrum and Berybolcensis, both from the subfamily Holocentrinae or squirrelfish (L. Sorbini, 1984). Both species seemed to be largely or entirely nocturnal and lived in deep marine waters; their eyes are amazingly large. DIMENSION: fish 13cm, stone 16,5x10cm   THE PRESENT SPECIMEN COME FROM AN OLD COLLECTION, POSSIBLY FROM 19th CENTURY (see preparation technique).  PLEASE ASK FOR FURTHER PHOTOS OR DETAIL Read More...

Hottentote Venus – Steatopygie model

An model of a Hottentote Venus – Steatopygie model coming out the collection of H.G. van Horn (Bruxelles), cabinet the curiosites. Sarah Baartman (before 1790 – 29 December 1815), was the most well known of at least two Khoikhoi women who, due to their large buttocks, were exhibited as freak show attractions in 19th-century Europe under the name Hottentot Venus—”Hottentot” was the then current name for the Khoi people, now considered an offensive term, and “Venus” referred to the Roman Read More...

Brass wire Besicles, 17th century

An early 17th century besicles bent out brass wire, that the glass rim is slightly eroded. The brass strips are on either side of the nose with a thin brass wire to the rest of the frame fastened, so that the possible replacement of a besiclesglas can be easily detached. The besicles has been unearthed in Amsterdam by J. Baart. Read More...