
Pfeiffer Wetzlar Dasymeter

A Pfeiffer Wetzlar Dasymeter or baroscop to measure the Buoyancy of Air or the weight of air. A small balance supporting a glass bulb and a small weight on two sides of an arm. When placed in a evacuated bell jar the glass bulb appears heavier due to its greater loss of buoyancy. On top a  pointer and scale. The balance arises from a lacquered brass stand. The stem is inscribed by its manufacturer A Pfeiffer Wetzlar. The company Pfeiffer Read More...

Two Stylus Driven Addometer Calculators

The AS Lineal calculator, made in Germany and retailed by Berville,18 Rue de la Fayette, Paris-in good working order, in original case, with stylus, with zero reset handle. The Addometer, Regd U. S Patent Office-in good working order, in original case with stylus, for financial sterling calculations up to £9,999. This example retailed by Taylor’s, 74, Chancery Lane, London Read More...

Heavy Duty Metal Addiator/Fractometer for Linear Measurement Addition and Subtraction

Heavy duty German calculator for addition and subtraction of linear measure in feet and inches-heavy enamelled metal case in good working condition Read More...

Somso heart model

A Somso anatomical heart model, in two parts and on a stand. Made from plaster and painted in polychrome by Somso Germany. The model shows a section of the heart ventricle and auricle, and shows the valves of the heart. Also the aorta bow and the upper hollow vein are indicated. Height: 23 cm. Read More...

One-Off Copy of Carl Zeiss’ First Model Microscope Signed A.F. Niemeyer Braunschweig, ca. 1850

This is a unique copy of the first microscope produced by Carl Zeiss, which was introduced in 1843. In the initial model, the microscope was inserted into a dovetail guide on top of the walnut box. However, from 1849, these tripods were screwed onto the box, as seen in this example. This construction solution is both cost-effective to produce and more practical for users. Therefore, the microscope seen here is a copy of the later model that was produced Read More...

Lorenz Grassl Equinoxial sundial C . 1750

The dial-plate is square in shape, featuring a wind-ring surrounding the compass with 32 points named in German. The latitude arc spans from 2° to 88°, and the hour ring is both cusped and adorned. An intricately designed plumb-bob support is hinged to the South side of the dial-plate, featuring piercings to accommodate the plumb bob. The plate is upheld by a single brass leg beneath the hour-circle hinge, complemented by two brass levelling screws situated in the corners on Read More...

Columbus Lunarium

A Columbus Lunarium or planetarium us to show the motion and phases of the moon. The globe has a diameter of 12 cm and the following description: Columbus Schülerglobus, Columbusverlag Paul Oestergaard K.G. Berlin- Stuttgart, Massstab 1:100 mill. These kind of globes were manufactured in the period 1919-1943. Date of this lunarium is around 1940. The brothers Peter and Paul Oestergaard have been producing globes since 1904 and opened a publishing house in 1909. Nowadays the company is led by Read More...

Brendel botanical model male fern

A Brendel botanical model of the development of the embryo of the male fern. The model is an enlargement of 50 times. This model is part of the series containing plants which do not make seeds or ‘Gefässkryptogamen, Cryptogamae vasculares’. This model has damages, on top it has a crack and on the bottom it misses a part but it is an older model Brendel, recognizable by the blue print and an image can be found in the original Brendel Read More...

Brendel botanical model Potato disease

A Brendel botanical model of the “Phytophthora infestans, de Bary No 10 K – Kartoffelkrankheit Sporangium mit Schwärmsporen”.  It depicts the enlarged infected potato disease Phytophthora infestans, that causes the serious potato and tomato disease known as late blight or potato blight. Brendel made two models of the Phytophthora infestans, disease. The first was the leaf intersection, which we had previously. The second, this one shows the swarming spores. These swarming spores (zoospores) can swim in water and are attracted Read More...

Eppler Anatomical Wax Model child arm

Anatomical wax model of a child’s arm Eppler Lehrmittelwerkstätten of the second half of the 19th century. The model is mounted on black painted wood. On the left upper corner a with signature ‘Hermann Eppler Lehrmittelwerkstätten Rudolstadt i/Thür’. 21,5 x 16 x 4 cm.  Find out more on Read More...

Eppler Anatomical Wax Model tongue

Anatomical wax model of the tongue Eppler Lehrmittelwerkstätten of the second half of the 19th century. The model is mounted on black painted wood. On the left upper corner a with signature ‘Hermann Eppler Lehrmittelwerkstätten Rudolstadt i/Thür’. Dimensions: 16,5 x 11 x 2,5 Find out more on Read More...

Eppler Anatomical Wax Model the measles

Anatomical wax model of the measles of a child by Hermann Eppler Lehrmittelwerkstätten of the second half of the 19th century. The model is mounted on black painted wood. On the left upper corner a with signature ‘Hermann Eppler Lehrmittelwerkstätten Rudolstadt i/Thür’. Dimensions: 21,5 x 16 x 4 cm. Find out more on Read More...