
Travel Leitz Microscope in Leather Case

Travel Leitz Microscope in Leather Case complete with his lens  The box have a name engraved DR EHLERS BERLIN. Numbered 99284 Read More...

German Field-Surgeon’s Folding Amputation Saw

A German field surgeon’s folding amputation saw as shown in Elisabeth Bennion’s, ANTIQUE MEDICAL INSTRUMENTS (1979:20). Bennion says 18th century but the “D.R.G.M” stamped on the bade, indicating a registered German design,  would place it in the 2nd half of the 19th century. Note the double of saw teeth–see last image. Length of blade =22cm or 8.75″. The checkered-horn handle has some defects but nothing major–see images. No maker is indicated.  Read More...

R. Persch patented toothbrush holder

A porcelain toothbrush holder or toothbrush dryer from R. Persch. This earthenware toothbrush holder is polychromed in blue It is Patent by Robert Persch, Mildeneichen and gives an explanation in German: Zahnburst entrockner (Toothbrush dryer). At the bottom mark RPM, this Mark stand for Robert Persch Mildeneichen, the factory was active between 1869 until ca. 1905. Height: 16 cm. Find out more on Read More...

Pocket Globe Hispanic Market Abel Klinger Nuremberg C. 1850

Pocket Globe Hispanic Market Abel Klinger Nuremberg C. 1860 The globe with the new discovers in these years Abel Klinger made this globe for the specific Hispanic Market ,Spain and Colonies , Sud America Box later   Read More...

Three Brendel Models explaining Dr. Kny’s leaf arrangement theory

Three Brendel models to explain Dr. Kny’s leaf arrangement theory. The models are glass cylinders with painted graphics allowing to visualize the first formal geometrical representation of the arrangement of leaves on a stem by means of a network of points (lattice) on a cylinder. On top and on the bottom turned black painted wooden caps. Leopold Kny was born in Breslau on 6 July 1841, which was also the home of the Brendel factory. At the age of 17, Read More...

Tripode Nuremberg wooden Microscope C 1780

Tripode Nuremberg wooden Microscope C 1780 The base mark with J F F Read More...

Leitz – The Largest CM model polarizing microscope from the 1930s’

A large polarizing microscope used for petrography and mineralogy signed “Ernst Leitz Wetzlar” and numbered “352680”. The microscope dates back to the 1930s. The optics, prisms and all the mechanisms are in perfect working order and in pristine condition. The microscope has preserved a wide-field eyepiece number 8 and one objectives numbered 1. The set is kept in its original wooden travelling box. The present example is the largest polarizing or petrographical microscope offered for sale by Leitz during the 30s’, describes in Read More...

1920’s Human brain model

An anatomical model of the human brain. The model is made of eight parts as frontal with parietal lobes, temporal with occipital lobes, half of brain stem and half of cerebellum. Most likely German of the early 20th century. The model has some small paint and plaster damages which are normal considered the age and fragile material. Measurements: 17 x 15 x 15 cm. Read More...

A. Frey blood pressure monitor J.&A. Bosch

A blood pressure monitor inscribed with Blutdruckmesser nach Dr. A Frey Baden-Baden and on the inner side of the box J.&A. Bosch Strasburg. The Blood pressure monitor arises from a socket in in which a the steel stem can be secured. To this stem a connecting piece with two sliding holes is attached it over the stem. The connecting pieces can be secured by a rotary knob. To the horizontal direction the second stem is attached and secured. At Read More...

Leybold’s Nachfolger wheatstone bridge

A Wheatstone bridge manufactured by Leybold’s Nachfolger. In the experiment different resistors can be used by a rotatable knob. This experiment was made by Leybold’s Nachfolger A.G. Cöln am Rhein and imported by Kipp & Zonen Delft – Holland. The experiment can be hanged to a wall. a similar experiment was made by Max Kohl as shown in the pictures. 20,5 x 78,5 2,3 cm. Read More...

Post mortem set cased by Dröll of Mannheim

A post mortem set of Friedrich Dröll of 1870-1900. The set contains a pair of metal scissors, six surgical knives, two chain hooks. The set comes with its original black leathered case, with on the inner side the original lable stating ‘Fabrik Chirurgischer Fr: Dröll in Mannheim Instrumente’ on purple velvet with a decorative golden edge. Dröll advertised in the world exhibitions of Vienna of 1873: ‘Friedr. Dröll of Mannheim, Baden was selling Künstliche Arme und Beine, Maschine für Oberarmbruch, Read More...

Brendel field Ahorn

A Brendel botanical model of the field Ahorn, or Acer campestre. The Brendel model of the field Ahorn is part of the ‘laubbäume und Nadelhölzer’ or deciduous trees and conifers series. It depicts the Male and the female blossom fifteen times enlarged. The flowers are made of paper mâché which are adjusted to green painted wooden stems. On one model de leaves are cut in half, allowing the viewer to watch the stamps carefully. The stems can are held Read More...