
C.A. Steinheil Söhne, Muenchen: Set of 6 aplanatic loupes with handle c. 1880

 Cased set of 6 C 1880 aplanatic loupes with handle by C.A. Steinheil Söhne, Muenchen. Length of case: 7.5″ or 18.75cm. Condition is excellent. An identical set can be seen on the Wissner microscope site: <> Wissner also illustrates the stand that was sold separately.It would appear that the set was introduced C1880 but remained in production until at least until 1907.  Page 25 of  the Steinheil Söhne 1907 catalog (in English) indicates that they sold the set of Read More...

German dermatological wax model of c. 1930

A German dermatological wax model depicting a furuncle at the knee of circa 1930. The anatomical model is signed by Zognam (which is unknown to us). Dimensions 20 x 14 x 7.5 cm. Find out more on Read More...

Early signed Seibert Stativ/Stand Parallel Linkage Microscope with case, accessories, and limited provenance

Early signed Seibert Stativ/Stand Parallel Linkage Microscope with case, accessories, and limited provenance C1887.  Accessories include two eyepieces labeled I and III, two Seibert objectives labeled II and V.  Microscope stands 10.5” (26.6 cm) tall at minimum distance to stage.    Two handwritten notes on wooden pieces tell of previous owners of this microscope.   One was Paul Buhler, and later owner was Andre Ducommun, pharmacy student in Lausanne between 1942 and 1949.  Case dimensions are 11.75” (29.8 cm) tall, 6.75” Read More...



19th-Century Wood & Bone Monaural Stethoscope

A good monaural stethoscope, second half of the 19th-century,  in cedar and bone, with a paper  collection label on one side and a painted hospital ID (“F 19.i”) on the other.  Height: 7″ or 17.5cm. The vendor was German and that may well be its place of origin. No condition issues. Read More...

Fine Rauenstein Porcelain Inhaler

An aseptic porcelain inhaler with all accessories, which was manufactured in Thuringia by Rauenstein in second-half of the 19th century.All parts are decorated with the straw flower pattern in blue under glaze and have a ribbed base.  It is a complete set, with salt bowl, evaporation cup and spirit burner. Even the glass tubes are undamaged. The inhaler is in very good condition for its age, there is a fine hairline crack inside the warmer, but this is not Read More...

An early full brass pair of dividers for pen, 17th century.

A fine early pair dof dividers for pen datable from the 17th century. This archaic instrument are some very nice traces of age but it’s complete and ine genuine condition. 11,6cm lenght.   Read More...

Carl Zeiss – camera lucida (Zeichenprisma).

Black enamelled Zeiss camera lucida in case. Very nice condition – no chips to the enamel. In plush lined case ( 9 x 5.5 x 5 cms).   Read More...

Baunsheidt’s Lebenswecker with Bone Handle

A nice example of Baunschheidt’s counter-irritant device in ebony with bone pulling handle in excellent condition. The Wood Library of Anesthesia notes: “Counterirritation is an ancient technique, also used in homeopathy. It induces inflammation in one spot for the purpose of relieving it in another. This might be done by rubbing a counterirritant substance (such as pepper or camphor) onto the skin, or inserting it under the skin by means of needles.The German inventor, Carl Baunscheidt (1809-1873) introduced his Read More...

Rachiotomy chisel, early 20th century

  Rachiotomy chisel of steel. Marked with a crowned aesculap, early 20th century Length: 30 cm.                 Read More...

Von Hippel’s automatic corneal trephine, Berlin, c. 1910

Von Hippel-type corneal trephine, c. 1910 A von Hippel-type automatic corneal trephine of c. 1910. The set in original leather box with red velour on the inner side is signed ‘Hornhaut-Trepan nach Prof. Dr. von Hippel’ and Wurach Berlin’. The set is in complete condition, it comes with a wind up drill, two trephine drills, two extensions, a bone cylindrical measuring instrument and a key. Trephines are normally associated with cutting out a piece of bone from a skull. However, Read More...

Two prototype bodytubes by Leitz for two microscopists or inclining tube, circa 1910

A very rare form, what seems to be prototype, of two bodytubes for Leitz microscope. Even unsigned, this two accessories were clearly made by Leitz, around 1910-1915 : -One with a prism for inclining tube measuring 15 to 20,5cm height -One, exceptionnal, with two bodytubes and one prism which allow to two users to look in the microscope in the same time. 14 to 17,5cm. This second one is preserved in its original wooden case with a small piece of paper Read More...