
Early Twentieth Century Plaster Botanical Model of a Sunflower

For sale an early twentieth century painted plaster botanical model of a sunflower. This exquisite model looks more like a rare and unusual tropical species than a sunflower on initial viewing until you realise that its intention is to reflect an individual floret, (flos tubulata) within the central flower head of the plant and an example of the surrounding leaf (flos lingulata) beside it. Both are displayed in their original custom black painted metal frame with paper identification labels and Read More...

The 5-volumes catalogue of the most important worldwide private collection of scientific instruments with 928 color illustrations

KERN (Ralf), Wissenschaftliche instrumente in ihrer zeit, vom 15 bis 19. 5 volumes including :  -Volume 1 : 15th and 16th centuries (Vom Astrolab zum mathematischen Besteck) -Volume 2 : 17th century (Vom Compendium zum Einzelinstrument) -Volume 3 : 18th century (Streben nach Genauigkeit in Zeit und Raum) -volume 4 : 19th century (Perfektion von Optik und Mechanik). —volume 5 15th to 19th century (Gesamtverzeichnis und Ergänzungen)  5 volumes of 3104 pages including 740 full color pages of splendid illustration of instruments and 1342 pages Read More...

Victorian Anthroscope / Kaleidoscope

The ‘Anthroscope’ as it is called in Germany, is a rare complex form of a kaleidoscope. It is near immaculate, but it dates from the nineteenth century. I’ve seen one example in an auction catalogue several years ago. The device is interesting because it uses several methods to alter the image alone or in combination. turning the handle pulling the handle in and out horizontally using the wood slider to mask the image producing different frames round the edges or almost into Read More...

Two wire Axal cross models.

two begin 20th century red and yellow-painted wire models. These axial cross models were for demonstrating the fundamental forms of the crystal systems (octohedra and pyramids). On iron base and 50cm high. Look for shopinformation on website page  Read More...

Four Obstetrical Instruments by Hornn, Leipzig, C1860

A good group of four mid-19th century German obstetrical instruments all maker signed by O. Hornn, working in Leipzig ( see links that follows and note that sometime between 1860 and 1894 his firm was taken over by O. Moecke, also in Leipzig). The metal portions of these instruments are all mat-finish steel. We usually see polished steel or nickel-plating on instruments of this period.,+Wien&source=bl&ots=foT5vWLYIl&sig=HgTSfU-BareEL69rt5HMMA-RWRs&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj23YTwm5DbAhUn7oMKHQLPCtkQ6AEIXDAH#v=onepage&q=O.%20Hornn%2C%20Wien&f=false Read More...

Universal octogonal sundial signed Hager made in Frankfurt circa 1690

Universal octogonal sundial signed Hager in gilt brass with the family particularity of a weather vane of winds. It lays in its leather case with geometric designs in glazed leather and bears at back exclusively the latitudes of German cities, Amsterdam, Prague and Vienna. Maker : Johann Melchior Hager 1642/1713, active in Frankfurt and related to Wolfgang Hager active in Wolffenbüttel at the same period whose an example is described and illustrated p 174/175 in “Sundials – Dominique & Eric Read More...

Three Pre-WW2 Opthalmodynamometers

We are offering three cased opthalmodyamometers ( aka tonometers) that were used for measuring ocular pressure to screen for glaucoma.  On the left in the first image is a Baillart Tonometer, with a stop, in its original case, which was introduced in France in  1923. The instrument is marked “MADE IN FRANCE”.  $95.00.  In the center is McLeans Tonometer, first  introduced in the USA in 1919;  this example was made by Meyrowitz.  Unlike the more widely used Schiotz,which it Read More...

Anatomical knee model by Somso

An Anatomical knee joint model of plaster by Somso, C 1920. The knee joint model consists of 2 pieces and gives a view of the muscles, bones with cartilage, muscle tendons and ligaments. In good condition and the height is 39 cm. Look for shop information on website  Read More...

Human half head anatomical model by Somso

A c. 1920 painted plaster anatomical human half model on a blue base.It is showing the muscles and ear  on the outside. On the sagital section you see the Brains and part of the spine, nose, tooth and tongue and the pharynx/larynx. In case of the blue base, the model is made by Somso. The model is  38 cm high. Look for shop information on website page Read More...


Good cased pair of Reichert stacking objectives. 6 in total, numbered 1, 2, 4, 2 x 7 (one with a rare upper extension lens=high power), and  7a. Cases marked C. Reichert, Wien. Company founded in Vienna, Austria in 1876 and noted for it’s quality refractory lens systems. All appear to have excellent optics ( some may require minor cleaning). Various ages and of various construction materials. Cases a little scuffed but liners and hinges intact. Only $40 each. Read More...

C1870 Windler (Berlin) German Amputation set: all original

A C1870  German amputation set. Knives and saw with checkered-ebony handles. All instruments are  original and all signed by Windler (Berlin). Not easy to find a set of this type  without replacement instruments. . Hard  case is leather covered and velvet lined. Instruments and case are both in very good condition. Length of case: 15″ or 37.50 cms. Mark shown in last image is on the frame of the saw.  Read More...

Bauer Type globe in cardboard box Circa 1825

Miniature pocket terrestrial globe (2 inch) with box probably made by carl bauer in nurnberg for the english market. Various globes from nuremberg were engraved by members of the bauer family. The globe sits in a small box made out of board, engraved on top with ‘the earth and ist jslands’. Diameter 5 cm. Look for shop information on website page  Read More...