
German terrestrial Globeby by Johann Bernard Bauer , C 1800

A german globe, 5 inch ( 12,7 cm) on a stool. Probably made by Johann Bernard Bauer. Circa 1800 and in good condition. There is a full meridian and horizon ring, on top is an brass hour ring graduated 1-12 (two times) without a metal pointer. There is a green simple outline of the continents. Tasmania is labelled Van Diemen LD amd is drawn as an Island. There isn’t a cartouch with the name on the globe. The stool Read More...

Some Worthy Surgical Bits and Bobs

  1. Metacarpal saw with slightly-rounded ebony handle. Total length 21.5 centimeters. Signed “MEHLHAUS”.Jacob Mehlhaus is listed in an 1863 Wiesbaden city directory as a surgical instrument maker. It was probably a small workshop that was not in existence for many years. No known catalog.    2.Trepanning elevator with checkered ebony handle. Unsigned. Length: 20 centimeters.    3. Sponge/swab  holder with tapered hexagonal ebony handle. Unsigned. Length: 23.5 centimeters.   4. Reiner’s needle forceps/holder. It is shown in the 1889 Tiemann Armamentarium  but not the 1879, Read More...


SOLNHOFER STONE SUNDIAL WITH DATE HIDDEN IN A CHRONOGRAM, German, 1723, bearing arms labeled “GA ZN,” the latitude (47°33′), and a Latin motto which conceals the date (1723). The 6-3/4″ x 8″ (17 x 20 cm) block of very finely grained Solnhofer stone is acid-etched with a fine projection of chapter ring (divided every quarter hour from 4 am to 8 pm) and Zodiacal calendar. It is set with a shaped brass gnomon with oculus for the calendar scale, Read More...


REFLECTING OBJECTIVE AND CONDENSER, German, c. mid-20th century, the objective signed “Carl Zeiss, Jena, Spiegelobjecktiv, 40/0.65, 160/0.17, #014782,” the condenser “Carl Zeiss, Jena, Spiegelkondensor, 0.6, #209551.” Each is approximately 2″ (5 cm) tall, constructed of substantial plated metals, designed somewhat like a miniature Cassegrain telescope with one large concave mirror with central hole, and one small convex mirror with three-armed spider mount. In fact it is apparently the Schwarzschild system, developed in 1905. Condition seems excellent. One comes with Read More...

WWII 25 x 105 binoculars by Schneider, Göttingen.

A pair of WWII 25 x 105 binoculars by Jos. Schneider & Co, Optische Werke KG, Göttingen. The rare first pattern of this model, circa 1941-42.45° inclined oculars, filters and brow.Original paintwork.Manufacture’s WWII code: kqcLiterature:Militärische Ferngläser und Fernrohre in Heer, Luftwaffe und Marine : Military binoculars and telescopes in Army , Air Force and Navy / Dr Hans Seeger. Page: 165.The Eye of the Flak (Das Auge der Flak) Vol.1 / Dr Peter De Laet & Francis Vermeire. Page: Read More...


MANUSCRIPT HORARY QUADRANT, probably German, c. 17th century. This thick (3/4″; 1.9 cm) wood quadrant is 8-3/8″ (21 cm) in radius, mounted on one side with a paper sheet laid out in ink with partial hand coloring. The other side has an incomplete attempt to draw the same inked design directly on the wood. A plugged hole at the apex would anchor a string with plumb bob. Two edge holes might permit auxiliary sights, although one can of course Read More...


GERMAN PERPETUAL CALENDAR, 18th century, made of gilt and silvered brass, 1-7/8″ (4.7 cm) in diameter. On one side the rotatable “Calendarium Perpetuum” shows the days of the week (in German, and marked with their planetary signs) against days of the month, and has floral patterns hand-engraved in the open spaces. The other side gives, in seven readout windows defined by its rotatable disk, month of the year with its number of days, tabulation of the important saints’ and Read More...

Unusual Pharmacy Measuring Spoon/Powder Scissors

Ebony handled Pharmacy dispenser marked ‘Keyl’s Messloffel’ noted in the Deutsche Hygiene Museum as Keyl’s Measuring Spoon Powder Scissors. Although marked ‘1956’ it is believed to date from 1930s Read More...


OFFICIAL CARL ZEISS PLANETARIUM PHOTOGRAPHS, German, c. 1930, the 14 original silver print photographs measuring 5″ x 7″ (13 x 18 cm), and variously bearing “Carl Zeiss, Jena” stamps, code number stamps, and/or applied printed descriptions. Depicted are planetaria, equipment, and activities. Most sites are in Germany; there are dramatic views of the powerful modernist architecture of the Weimar Republic applied to planetarium buildings. One unforgettable image shows Mussolini departing the Mailand (Milan) “Ulrico Hoepli” planetarium at its dedication Read More...

Beringer Sundial with compass, C 1820

A sundial and compass produced by the German craftsman David Beringer, C 1820 His name became synonymous with portable wooden diptych and cube sundials. The brass gnomen is mounted on a brass ring with a timescale from IIII – XII – VIII and a decorative leaves and the B of Beringer. The compass paper had a coloured rose and is marked with sixteen points marked N – NNO – NO – OON –  O – OOZ –  OZ – Read More...

Anatomical Functional Vocal cords model, 1930

Anatomical functional vocal cords model. Functional model of the larynx. Enlarged 3 times. The thyroid cartilage, vocal cords and cup cartilage (arytenoids) are movable. C 1920. Dimensions: 31 x 16 x 16 cm. This 3D Medical equipment was distributed by Dépex Medical Supplies and probably made by Somso or Meusel, both German Companies specialised in Anatomical Models. For more shop information look on Read More...

Brendel Taxus no 40 model

A Robert Brendel model of the Taxus baccata no 40a by Robert Brendel, C 1880. The label gives the follow text: Taxus Baccata. / J. Masc. / XXII 12 / Common Yew M. / Eibe Um. Zapfen. / Tasso m. JF male / Coniferae Vergr. 40 Fach. Measurements 40 x 14 x 14 cm. Read More...