
Luftwaffe Flak “Rangefinder Telescope”

A rare Zeiss 12 X 60 binocular director telescope (Luftwaffe Flak Rangefinder Telescope), for a 4 m rangefinder; original sand coloured finish, single eye adjustment and interocular distance, without swing-down sunshade, 2 colour glass filters to switch, adjustment mechanism for the position of the rubber face shield, bakelite rain cover for oculars, all parts are original, nothing restored! The lenses are in a very good condition (no cracks or something else), very well working! “blc” is the code for Read More...

Anatomical Lung and Heart model, C 1930

Anatomic didactic model of the pharynx-larynx-lung and heart model. The model consist of 5 parts with 2 lung lobes and a heart in two pieces. Signed with a label Deutsche Hygiene Museum / Dresden c.1930. Polychrone painted plaster and nice condition. 39 x 23 x 17cm. Look for shop information on  Read More...

A German wax dissected model of the head, 1910

A German wax sagitaal dissected model of the head, Circa 1910. It showing nerves, arteries, veins and muscles of the head with paper numbered labels. The case has a marker’s label to reverse “Lehrmittelwerke Berlinische Verlagsanstalt G.m.b.H. BERLIN N.W.23″. Dimension 25 x 19 x 8 cm. Look for shop information on  Read More...


A MUSICAL SECTOR, German or Italian, c. late 17th century, made of brass, reverse tapered in thickness, opening from 7-1/2″ to 14-1/8″ (19 to 36 cm). One side is finely divided with twin sector scales of equal parts (each scale divided twice 0(1)100; i.e., from 0 to 100 by ones), of “Lin Recta” 15(1)2, of “Lin ‘square'” 0(1)60(5)90, and of a wonderful musical scale “fi, G, G-is, a, b, h, C, C-is, D, D-is, E, f.” The other has Read More...

Male anatomical Pelvis model, C 1930

Male pelvis, natural size, vertically sectioned. prepared on the side, the bladder and the external sexual organs are open and removable. Particularly neat and clear representation of the urinary tract. The model is labeled with “Rat der Stadt Rosslau – nr 1534”. The model consist of three parts and is in good condition. Measurements 35 x 39 x 13 cm. C 1930. Look for shop information on Read More...


SEVENTEENTH CENTURY GUNNERY GAUGE, German or Austrian, 1629, boldly engraved “Anno 1629.” Rectangular in cross section, and tapered, the brass rule measures 13-1/2″ (34 cm) long overall, including its cast and soldered double-sided bust handle. Each face of the rule is hand engraved, one with a scale of inches (labeled “Zol”) from 0 to 12, each inch subdivided into the corresponding integral number of parts (e.g., the eleventh inch is divided into 11 equal parts!) Each inch measures approximately Read More...

Anatomical lower jaw model, Somso

Anatomcial left underjaw model from Somso and the retailer  IVAC in Bruxelles, Circa 1930. The model gives the following structures: elements, bone, nerves and bloodvessels. The Cuspidaal (33) and Molaar (36) are removable. The model is in excellent condition. Heigt (with stand) 34 cm. Width: 34 cm Read More...

Columbus Globe, C 1930.

A World – Traffic – Globe from Globe manufacturer Columbus on a wooden “ebonized” base. Published by Erven J Bijleveld. Circa 1930 and has a diameter of 50 cm. Height is 107 cm. The Cartouch gives: Wereld – Verkeers – Globedoor Prof. Dr. Ernst Friedrich / Nederlandsche bewerking van R.E. Kaltofen / Leeraar Rijks H.B.S., Utrecht / uitgave Erven J. Bijleveld, Utrecht / Columbus Verlag G.M.b.H. / Berlin-Lichterfelde. Schaal 1 ; 26.600.000. An identical globe is described in the book: Read More...

H. Kiepert Erdglobus, 1879.

A huge german globe by Heinrich Kiepert, 22 inch/ 55 cm on a turned wooden base. . the Cartouch gives the following discription: Erdglobus  bearbeitet von H. Kiepert. – Berlin – Dietrich Reimer – 1879 – Schrifst v. C. Bischoff, Terrainst, v. J. Sulzer. Total 92 cm high and in good condition. For shop information look on website  Read More...

German terrestrial Globeby by Johann Bernard Bauer , C 1800

A german globe, 5 inch ( 12,7 cm) on a stool. Probably made by Johann Bernard Bauer. Circa 1800 and in good condition. There is a full meridian and horizon ring, on top is an brass hour ring graduated 1-12 (two times) without a metal pointer. There is a green simple outline of the continents. Tasmania is labelled Van Diemen LD amd is drawn as an Island. There isn’t a cartouch with the name on the globe. The stool Read More...

Some Worthy Surgical Bits and Bobs

  1. Metacarpal saw with slightly-rounded ebony handle. Total length 21.5 centimeters. Signed “MEHLHAUS”.Jacob Mehlhaus is listed in an 1863 Wiesbaden city directory as a surgical instrument maker. It was probably a small workshop that was not in existence for many years. No known catalog.    2.Trepanning elevator with checkered ebony handle. Unsigned. Length: 20 centimeters.    3. Sponge/swab  holder with tapered hexagonal ebony handle. Unsigned. Length: 23.5 centimeters.   4. Reiner’s needle forceps/holder. It is shown in the 1889 Tiemann Armamentarium  but not the 1879, Read More...


SOLNHOFER STONE SUNDIAL WITH DATE HIDDEN IN A CHRONOGRAM, German, 1723, bearing arms labeled “GA ZN,” the latitude (47°33′), and a Latin motto which conceals the date (1723). The 6-3/4″ x 8″ (17 x 20 cm) block of very finely grained Solnhofer stone is acid-etched with a fine projection of chapter ring (divided every quarter hour from 4 am to 8 pm) and Zodiacal calendar. It is set with a shaped brass gnomon with oculus for the calendar scale, Read More...