
​A c1700 Johan Martin gilt-brass and silver equinoctial sundial

​A Johan Martin gilt-brass and silver equinoctial sundial, Germany, C1700. Signed Johan Martin in Augspurg 48, the octagonal dial with inset compass rose and mounted with silver hour arc and silver hinged gnomon, the reserve and back plate engraved with 39 European cities and their latitudes, in original leather case. Dimensions: 5 x4.5cms.  Read More...

Anatomical human child torso, C 1890

An Human child torso probably made by Bock Steger, C 1900.  The polychrome painted plaster model is mounted on a wooden board. The hand-painted plaster model has removable lungs and heart, liver and stomach. In perfect restored condition. Lenght of the torso 60 cm. Look for shop information on Read More...

Anatomical Torso model, C 1900

A anatomical model of the human torso. This anatomical wall model provides a sagital representation of the human head, larynx/pharynx, lungs and digestive tract. Similarly, the muscles of the torso are shown. The plaster and polychrome painted model is mounted on a wooden board. The hand-painted plaster model  is in good condition , measurements 70 x 35 x 5 cm. Look for shop information on  Read More...

Paul Ehrlich’s Eyepiece for the Differential Count of Red and White Corpuscles in Stained Films

Ehrlich’s eyepiece for the differential count of red and white corpuscles in dry stained films, Maker is Leitz. Introduced by Paul Ehrlich in 1900, this instrument retains its original signed case and has no condition issues. The diameter of the ring is 2″ or 5cm.   “Paul Ehrlich was a Nobel Prize-winning German physician and scientist who worked in the fields of hematology, immunology, and antimicrobial chemotherapy. Among his foremost achievements were finding a cure for syphilis in 1909 and inventing Read More...

Hourglass in brass made in Nuremberg by Hans Christoph Weinmann between 1657 and 1669.

 One flask hourglass inside a circular frame with stamped decorations. The frame is composed of two circular brass bases connected by four twisted columns and a support column. The bases are decorated with floral and star patterns. One of them opens with a small hook, the other is stamped with a hallmark of a whale which is the Hans Christoph Weinmann maker’s mark. Inside is a flask with two pear-shaped ampoules linked by a wax joint seal covered with red fabric linked Read More...

The Spread and Influence of British Pharmacopoeial and Related Literature

The Spread and Influence of British Pharmacopoeial and Related Literature; An Historical and Bibliographic Study,Cowen, David L, (in English) with Britische Pharmakopöe-Literatur des 17. bis 19. Jahrhunderts, Hickel, Erica (in German)Pub: Stuttgart Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft MBH, 1974Octavo hardback, cloth bound, pp105 including 14 plates of title pages + maps and tables, near fine condition.Please see the other books I have listed on Fleaglass. I have recently retired and am selling most of my scientific and medical instrument reference library, including Read More...

Signed L.Beneche Berlin Microscope

Signed L.Beneche Berlin Microscope.  No case or accessories.  Engraving is “L.Benechse Berliln, No 2905”. Height is 10.5 inches (26.6 cm). Read More...

German Masticator Ed. Wüsthof, C 1930

A German masticator to aid the chewing of food in the elderly and edentulous. This is a remarkably well put together instrument; the metal is steel.  Signed on the inside of one handle “Ed. Wüsthof Solingen – 4” and on the other “Sanitas 4 – gesetzlich geschutzt”. The teeth are held together in the resting state by a sprung clip which secures the ends of the handles.  length 19,5 cm. Read More...

6 x 15 binocular magnifier by Carl Zeiss Jena

Binokulare Fernrohrlupe (Binocular telescope magnifier) by Carl Zeiss, Jena. 6 x 15 binocular magnifier, circa 1920. In original case with auxiliary close-up lenses. f = 100cm and f = 35cm. Serial number: 1075757. Case dimensions: 20.5 x 12 x 7 cm.   Literature: Zeiss Historica Society Journal Spring 2002. Pages: 17-19. Zeiss Handfernglaser 1919-1946, Modelle – Merkmale – Mythos, Hans Seeger. Pages: 529 – 534. Read More...

3 Brendel botanical models of Claviceps Purpurea

3 German Brendel models of different stages of Claviceps purpurea, an ergot fungus that grows on the ears of rye and related cereal and forage plants. From left to right: 1) Labelled “Arrhenatherum elatius (L.)….”, height 26 (probably mislabeled) 2) Labelled “Claviceps Purpurea, Tul. Mutterkorn, 2. Reifes…” height 37 3) Labelled ““Claviceps Purpurea, Tul. Mutterkorn, 1. Sclerotium”, height 39 cm Hand painted plaster on wooden base, in great condition with no major defects, just a light wear of the time Read More...

Portable cube sundial David Beringer ca. 1780–1821

Portable cube sundial David Beringer  ca. 1780–1821 Beringer is best known for portable wooden sundials with scales printed on paper glued to the wood. These included cube dials and diptych dials.Some of Beringer’s sundials were collaborations made with Georg Paul Seyfried, who was also a master compassmacher. Seyfried became a master in 1776, so the Beringer -Seyfried dials likely date from 1777 on.   Polyhedral sundials represent the culmination of knowledge in gnomonics and demonstrate the ability and scholarship of the gnomonist. Read More...

Signed Rudolf Wasserlein, Berlin Stativ 1A Microscope C 1870

Signed Rudolf Wasserlein, Berlin Stativ 1A Microscope C 1870 with case, two objectives and two eyepieces.   The case is in good condition but no key.  There are no other accessories with this microscope other than the two eyepieces and two objectives.   Case dimensions are 10 inches x 6.25 inches x 4.5 inches tall (25.4 cm x 15.875 cm x 11.43 cm).    Read More...