Lorenz Grassl Equinoxial sundial C . 1750

Lorenz Grassl Equinoxial sundial C . 1750


Lorenz Grassl Equinoxial sundial C . 1750

Country of manufacture


Categories: Timekeeping, Scientific, Portable Sundials


The dial-plate is square in shape, featuring a wind-ring surrounding the compass with 32 points named in German. The latitude arc spans from 2° to 88°, and the hour ring is both cusped and adorned.

An intricately designed plumb-bob support is hinged to the South side of the dial-plate, featuring piercings to accommodate the plumb bob. The plate is upheld by a single brass leg beneath the hour-circle hinge, complemented by two brass levelling screws situated in the corners on either side of the plumb bob.

The reverse side of the compass is engraved with a table of latitudes, under the heading ‘Elev. Poli.’ The listed towns all have high latitudes, hinting that the dial may have been crafted for sale in Northern Germany. The dial proudly bears the signature ‘Lorenz Grassl’ on its base.

Same Model In Greenwich Museum

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ES Antiques Le Saint Georges

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