SOLD – A binocular / monocular microscope dated 1861 and signed in script, ‘J. B. Dancer Optician, Manchester, No.310′ and to the binocular body tube Registered June 27th 1861 No.4380’.
The tripod foot has 2 columns terminating in trunnions to the limb, with a large plano-concave mirror on a sliding collar, mechanical stage with X-Y control bayonet fitting to underside of stage, with rack and pinion course focus, with interchangeable binocular/monocular body tubes, the binocular tubes with Dancer’s own design of prism not Wenhams prism, with interocular adjustment, accessories include:
1/8″ objective & can,
1/4″ objective & can,
1/2″ objective & can,
3/4″ can,
2″ objective & can,
3″ objective & can,
Low power binocular eyepieces engraved A,
Medium power binocular eyepieces engraved B,
High power binocular eyepieces engraved C,
Substage condenser,
Wenham Condenser,
Substage Polariser,
Wheel of stops,
Live boxes,
Large table bullseye,
All in the original French polished case with trade label to inside of door, case 44cm tall.
The microscope retaining 100% of original lacquer: very clean, it almost looks like the instrument has just left the Dancer workshop.