A very good example of the rarest of the classic forms of polarizing microscope by the Nachet, the “Microscope minéralogique 3me modèle” or the small model, after the large one on double column and the mid-size one, the more common.
The present model was introduced in the 1898 Nachet catalogue. The present example is datable circa 1900 with the signature “Nachet 17 rue St Séverin, Paris”.
The model preserves its two prisms, two eyepieces and two objectives (number 3 and 5). In addition, in a small leather box signed Nachet two additionnal lenses, a quartz compensator and a sensitive tint plate of quartz.
The microscope is in perfect working condition and good cosmetical condition despite some traces of uses and oxydations.
The two two claps for the stage are missing.
Everything is preserved in the original traveling case (the lock is missing).
Average height of the microscope : 32cm , the case 37x18x17cm.
For an approcing example, see in the Science Museum :
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Le Zograscope
Established by Alexandre Piffault in 2014 and based in Paris at 5 rue de Condé, 75006, very close to Odéon, Le Zograscope specializes in antique and rare books in Science, Medicine and Technology, and rare antique instruments in the same fields. We have especially a strong interest in early and continental microscopy, early and special mathematical/drawing instruments, medical and surgical instrument, and rare technology.
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