A brass complete and cased Butterfield horizontal and octogonal sundial signed “Butterfield à Paris” and datable circa 1710-1715, according with the magnectif declination of the North on the compass.
We can note the quite unusual shell decoration on the upper side of the plate.
The dial is divided with four hour line for the lattitude 40, 45, 50 and 55.
On the back the names and lattitudes of 25 european cities, mostlt French.
The dial measures 7,5×6,5 and the case 8,3×7,4cm.
One hook is lacking at the case which is slightly bent.
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Le Zograscope
Established by Alexandre Piffault in 2014 and based in Paris at 5 rue de Condé, 75006, very close to Odéon, Le Zograscope specializes in antique and rare books in Science, Medicine and Technology, and rare antique instruments in the same fields. We have especially a strong interest in early and continental microscopy, early and special mathematical/drawing instruments, medical and surgical instrument, and rare technology.
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