A very good and quite unsual example of a good, large and cased Dutch, but English-type, proportionnal dividers measuring 8inch/21cm lenght and bearing the signature “K. J.”, certainly for Jan Kleman ?, and datable circa 1800. Jan Kleman was a Dutch maker etablished in Amsterdam between 1781 and 1808 between his son comes in the trade and the company takes the name Kleman & Zoon.
The proportionnal dividers is divided with two lines and has a very unusual micrometric screw.
Rare signature and rare model.
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Le Zograscope
Established by Alexandre Piffault in 2014 and based in Paris at 5 rue de Condé, 75006, very close to Odéon, Le Zograscope specializes in antique and rare books in Science, Medicine and Technology, and rare antique instruments in the same fields. We have especially a strong interest in early and continental microscopy, early and special mathematical/drawing instruments, medical and surgical instrument, and rare technology.
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